Sunday, March 30, 2014

Moving On.

So I'm finally saying a good-bye to this blog. It was meant to end at one point or another and I guess I'm ending it a bit earlier than anticipated.  In some ways, it shows my progression as a student of Islamic knowledge.  Some of the posts might be really awesome on this blog, others I disagree with myself now as Alhumdulilah, Allah (SWT) has blessed me with deeper and more knowledge.

Anyway, inshaAllah, I'm starting a new blog currently titled "In Search of the Creator". I'm planning on transcribing some of my recent Tafseer classes that I've taken as well as summarize a book relevant to our times. So here it is,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Muqallid/ Ghair Muqallid Controversy (Part 1)

Ok, so this controversy, I’m going to work my way towards it, inshaAllah, instead of giving you the final verdict. Also, this discussion isn’t just about people, it’s has a lot to do with understanding the principles of our religion. 

I got this advice from a friend not too long ago. ‘Stay away from the Ghair Muqallids’. A couple years back, I read a book about how one should not do Taqleed (the book wasn’t really impressive by the way.) Just the other day, I was talking to another friend, and he talked about his cousin was pressuring him to not become a Ghair-Muqallid. He didn’t even know what the term meant. Yeah, so this controversy is all the rage here in Pakistan. But what do these terms even mean? Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Why? Let’s take a step back and reexamine this issue.

What’s Taqleed?

So the first question, what is Taqleed?

In the Arabic language, Taqleed literally means placing something around the neck. The word for necklace in Arabic is Qilaadah. Technically speaking, however, it means following a qualified scholarship. Some add to this “uncritical following of a qualified scholarship”.

The Four Madhabs

Taqleed stems from the concept of following the four Madhahib, schools of thought. To summarize this whole concept, in the early days of Islam, starting from the era of the Tabi’een, the generation after the Sahabah, there were huge scholars of our religion whom people would listen to and learn from. Each scholar had his own way of understanding the religion. (Which is normal really, we all think differently, no two people think alike in all circumstances.) All of these scholars each had many, many students and so they formed their own ‘schools’ in a sense where they would teach the religion in a particular way and their students would follow them. These different ways were very similar and in fact the scholars agreed on more things than they differed.

There were about a dozen of these scholars (some were contemporaries, others were of different generations), but in the end only 4 (in some senses 5) of these schools survived. (A side note, as Imam Shafi said the reason for the survival of some of them and not of others was because of their students. Those who had students zealous in spreading the Madhab caused the Madhab to prosper. ) And they are the schools of Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Each of these schools has its own set of rules with regard to Ibadah and Ma’llamaat (dealings). Though these rules and regulations differ from each other to some extent, they are all based upon each scholar and his students’ understanding of the Quran and Sunnah.

To explain, how these scholars differed let’s take an example which inshaAllah, if you study properly you’ll be able to learn a lot from it.

Issue: Are you allowed to face the Qiblah when relieving yourself?

The scholars had three major (note the word major here) opinions concerning this issue:
  1. One is forbidden to face or turn ones back to the Qiblah.(Imam Abu Haanifa’s Madhab, One narration of Imam Ahmed’s Narration, Abu Ayub Al-Ansari (R) )
  2. It is permissible to face the Qiblah while answering the call of nature.
    (Imam a-Dhaahiri’s opinion – his Madhab is non-existent these days but still codified, Urwa Ibn Zubayr (R) )
  3. It is permissible if you are inside, and there is a partition between you and outside. If you are not inside then it is not allowed. (Imam AshShafi’s Madhab, Imam Malik’s Madhab, Abdullah Ibn Umar (R), and a stronger narration of Imam Ahmed).

Proofs used by the Scholars on this Issue:

1.       Proof used by the scholars who supported the first opinion:
Abu Ayoub Al-Ansaaree(R) reported from Allah’s Messenger (SAW ) that he said:
“When you go to relieve yourselves or urinate, then do not face the Qiblah nor turn your back to it. Instead turn (your direction) to the east or the west.” (AlBukhari and Muslim)
This hadith is of an extremely high level of authenticity. Furthermore, this hadith was directed to the people of Madinah because to them the Qiblah was facing the direction of the south. In the first hadeeth of Abu Ayoub (R), turning towards the east or west was specified because Madinah was located towards the south. So facing East or West would be away from the Qiblah.
2.       Proof used by the scholars who supported the second opinion:
Ibn ‘Umar (R) narrated:
“I ascended the roof of the house of Hafsah (R) and saw the Messenger of Allah (SAW) sitting on two bricks facing Jerusalem (Bait al-Maqdis) for relieving himself.” (alBukhari and Muslim.)
Another Hadith that has a very high level of authenticity.
3.       Proof used by scholars who supported the third opinion:
Abdullah Ibn Umar(R) narrated:
Marwan al-Asfar (R) said: “I saw Ibn Umar make his camel kneel down facing the Qiblah, then he sat down urinating in its direction. So I said: Abu Abdur Rahman, has this not been forbidden? He replied: Why not, that was forbidden only in open country; but when there is something between you and the Qiblah that conceals you, then there is no harm” (Abu Da’wood).
As you can see, all 3 opinions with regards to this matter have proof established from the Quran and Sunnah. In other words, all of them are correct to follow. But here’s the real question. What should I do? Which one is strongest? First of all, let us look at critically look at the issue,

Reasons for Disagreement and Conclusions

The Prophet’s (SAW) actions in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (see above) contradict his saying in Abu Ayub’s (R). To resolve this, the majority of scholars state that if one is within the confines of one’s home, it is okay to face the Qiblah. Those who say that it’s not permissible at any place say that while the Prophet (SAW) was urinating, he did not know that anybody else saw him. This was done in private. He wasn’t expecting anybody to see it. So, this could specifically be just for the Prophet (SAW). For example, the tahajjud prayer was obligatory on the Prophet (SAW), but not on us.
The Companions themselves (Abu Ayub Al-Ansari, Abdullah Ibn Umar and Urwah ibn Zubair) differed on this issue. If they differed, and it is not from the four khulafah (the four great successors), then we need to go back to the Sunnah.
If there is an order from the Prophet (SAW) “to do” and “not to do,” then the order “not to do” takes over.
We should try to follow the order as much as we can, but we should never come even close to a prohibition.

The Strongest Opinion

According to Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya (who taught me about this issue), his verdict was that Imam Abu Hanifa’s opinion is the strongest. Why? Because of the following established principle of Islam:
Whenever the actions of the Messenger (SAW) contradict his sayings, we take his sayings over his actions. The Messenger’s (SAW) sayings always take precedence over his actions.
Why? Because the Messenger’s (SAW) sayings are directed to us, the Muslim Ummah. His (SAW)’s actions might be applicable and permissible only to him alone. For example, the tahajjud prayer was compulsory for the Messenger (SAW) but not for us. Allahu'alam.

End of this part for now. InshaAllah, I'll try to finish the discussion in the next part.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Du’a – The Network Link to the Creator

This was an article I published in my university web tech magazine 5 months ago, forgot to put it on my blog. 

Think about this. What if you had a 1000 Gbps dedicated connection with Allah, one that would reach the highest heaven instantaneously. No monthly bandwidth, unlimited use and absolutely free. With that connection, you could ask him anything you want, and he guaranteed that he would either fulfill it, or give you something better in return. All you would have to do is type in the correct URL by directing your hands and heart up to Allah (SWT). Would you avail it? How much would you avail it? Would you be stingy in using your free connection? Leaving it for once every week, or once daily before you go to sleep? We all have that special connection, Du’a, yet many of us utilize it so rarely that it seems as if it is a burden for ourselves. Here is a list of 7 reasons why you shouldn’t procrastinate in making Du’a.

An act of Worship

What if there existed this website that every time you visit it, you get some bonus, some credits, or some other perks? Irrespective of whether you sign up to a special offer, browse a few pages or simply look at the homepage. Well that’s the exact case with Allah. Every time, you make du’a, you utilize your free connection, you are rewarded with the currency of the Akhirah.  Yes, you heard that right. When you hold your hands up to Allah (SWT) asking something for yourself or for others, irrespective of whether you get it or not, Allah (SWT) rewards you for it. It is an act of worship like Salah, Fasting, obeying your parents, helping your neighbor, etc.  The Prophet (SAW) said, “The best form of worship is du’a”.

The weapon of the weak and the wronged

Internet companies have an unspoken rule. The more you pay, the better connection you have. So, usually what happens is that the rich, powerful people have extremely fast internet connections while the poor, weak people have a slow internet speeds (maybe not even broadband). This rule doesn’t apply with Allah at all. In fact, many times the opposite happens. Two determining factors in a Du’a’s acceptance is a person’s sincerity and his humble appearance. The more you are sincere with Allah (SWT) while making du’a, the higher is the acceptance rate. One of the Ulemah of the past stated: “It is said a du’a is never responded to quickly except for a person who is sincere, or one who has been wronged.”
Through many examples in the Quran and the Sunnah, Allah (SWT) has taught us that the weapon of those who have been oppressed and have nothing is Du’a. When Musa (A), whose people were oppressed and tortured by Fir’aun, made Du’a, Allah (SWT) caused their means of sustenance (the Nile) to kill them. When Jurayj, a pious individual who had been accused of committing adultery and his house destroyed, made Du’a, Allah (SWT) redeemed his reputation and reconstructed his house. When a young man, sent for execution in the middle of the sea, made Du’a, Allah (SWT) caused those with him to be killed yet he remained alive.

One of the Most Noble Acts in the Sight of Allah

Ever wonder why this connection works? I mean why do we have this free hotline? It’s because of what you are doing when you are asking Allah. When a person makes Du’a, he submits himself to his Lord. It is as if he is saying, O Allah (SWT), I am incapable of having my request fulfilled, I cannot control my own affairs without your Will. So I ask you and you only, who is All-Powerful, to fulfill my request. This is one of the reasons why the Prophet (SAW) said: “There is nothing that is more noble in the sight of Allah than Du’a”.

The Only Cause of Allah’s Concern for us

FaceBook offers its services free because it gets all its money from advertisements. In other words, it makes money off people looking at advertisements and clicking on the ads. FaceBook wants you to visit their page, so it can implicitly get money from you. With Allah, Al-Karim (the Most Generous), it’s the exact opposite. Allah (SWT) wants you to make du’a to him, visit His URL, so that you can ask Him and he can respond to you demands. Moreover, du’a is the only reason that Allah (SWT) cares about us. As Allah (SWT) states in the Qur’an:
“Say (O Muhammad): My Lord only pays attention to you because of your du’a towards Him. But now you have rejected (Him), so the (torment) will you yours permanently.”

A Dialogue with the Creator

Du’a is communication with Allah (SWT), not that Google stuff where you type in a few keywords and get algorithm-based results. And so though you won’t be getting any verbal response from Allah (SWT), you are in a dialogue with the Creator. So what does this mean?
You believe that Allah is hearing you, hoping for Allah’s response, and fearing its delay. You call upon Allah with His most beautiful Names and Attributes. Your eman increases, as do your hopes and fears increase and your Love of Allah increases. At the same time, you remembers your sins, for sins are like closed doors which prevent the du’a from being responded to, and you fear that, because of these sins, your du’a will be rejected. So you repent to Allah, and changes your life, striving to please Allah, realizing that only Allah can change your situation, and thus in the process, you develop a new relationship with Allah. [1]

Guaranteed Return

Ever spent so much time on something and then found out that all your hard work was going to waste? With du’a, the opposite is true, there is no du’a that is left unanswered.[2] So if you’re asking for that Lamborghini, either you’ll be getting that or something similar (or even better) or you’ll be averted from some similar evil that was predestined for you. So why wait? Open up that browser, click go and start making du’a right away. Jabir bin ‘Abdillah stated that the Prophet (SAW) said :
“There is no person who asks Allah for anything except that Allah gives it to him, or keeps away from him a similar evil, as long as he does not ask for something evil or for breaking the ties of kinship”. At this, a person said to the Prophet (SAW): “In that case, he will ask for plenty!” The Prophet (SAW) responded: “Allah (is even) more plentiful!”

Hassle-free Connection – One of the Easiest Acts of Worship

What do you require to make Du’a? Hardly any energy is required, hardly any time. Even hands and a tongue are not necessary, all you need is an attentive heart and a humble soul.  No need for a WiFi settings, internet connection, routers and all that other stuff. This is one of those hassle-free things that just simply work, no delay, no-downtimes, pure 100% reliability. On the other hand, leaving Du’a is a sign of laziness. The Prophet (SAW) said,
“The most incapable (or lazy) person is he who does not make du’a, and the most miserly is he who does not give salam.”

This article is inspired from Yasir Qadhi’s Du’a: Weapon of the Believer. Though the theme of the article is entirely different, all of the reasons for making du’a are derived from the book. Also the Quranic ayaat, ahadith, and statements of the scholars mentioned in this article are listed in the book with their proper references. For more reasons, further proofs, a more detailed explanation and references consult the book.

[1] This paragraph was copied almost verbatim from the Du’a: Weapon of the Believer by Yasir Qadhi.
[2] Provided you fulfill its conditions of which are mentioned in the above hadith. It is however possible that your Du’a is responded to even if you don’t fulfill these conditions.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The People of Substance - Part 1

Ok, so this isn't really a summary, its more of a stub of an article based on Nouman Ali Khan's speech on Sunday at the Live Deen event. I expanded my notes of the lecture, reorganized some of the points and added a few things of my own.

There are some Sahabah whose names  we hear of more than that of others, like Abu Bakr (R),  Musab ibn Umar (R), Umar (R), Uthman (R), Ali (R) and others. These were the foremost among the foremost. These Sahabah, were among those who accepted Islam at Makkah in the beginning and later became of the Muhajirun. So what did these elite Sahabah look like in those beginning years? What distinguished them from the Kuffar? There was no Islamic dresscode then, no Zakah, no inheritance laws, no fasting. These things later became part of Islam in Madinah. Even Salah was prescribed during the later years in Makkah. But there was something different about them and that was their justice and ethics. When Abu Bakr (R), tired of the oppression in Makkah decided to leave  to Abyssinia for Hijrah, one of the non-Muslims stopped him and said "Someone of your ranking and character does not leave and should not be forced to leave: For indeed, you provide for the needy, you join ties of family relations, you support the weak, you honor your guests and you help others rise above the vicissitudes of life.". As for the Uthman (R), Quraysh loved his manners and character so much that an Arab woman would sing a lullaby to her child, "By the Most Merciful, I love you as much as Quraysh love Uthman".  Abu Bakr (R), Uthman (R), like the other Sahabah, were models of justice and ethics. And the Prophet (SAW) was an even better example of these virtues.

Truthfulness, trustworthiness and fairness were definitely among the foremost of his qualities, so much that even his enemies couldn't deny his ethics.  When Abu Sufyan, the foremost enemy of the Prophet (SAW) was asked about the Prophet (SAW)'s character from the Caesar of Rome, he replied that he was an honest and trustworthy man. In Makkah, by Muslim and Kafirs alike, he was known as As-Sadiq (The truthful) and Al Ameen (the trustworthy). From an early age, his decisions were given weight because of his integrity. Though during Jahilliyah (the period of ignorance) the Arab poets used to dedicate themselves to insulting others and a large portion of their poetry involved defamation, when it came to the Prophet (SAW), they would praise him.

These qualities were not just confined to the society in general. Even at home, the Prophet (SAW) would display justice and tolerance. Once an argument occurred between Umm ul Mu'mineen, Aisha (R) and the Prophet (SAW), one that wasn't being resolved easily. So the Prophet (SAW) called for an arbitrator to mediate between the two. He suggested Abdullah ibn Zubair but Aisha (R)  rejected him, saying he loved the Prophet (SAW) too much and would be unfair in his judgment. She then recommended her father, Abu Bakr (R)and the Prophet (SAW) agreed. Later, Aisha (R) realized her misjudgment and gave up the argument all together. The Prophet (SAW), despite being the Imam of the Prophets was ready to call for an arbitrator to settle a quarrel between him and his wife. And then upon her wife's insistence, the arbitrator was of her choice. The Prophet (SAW) was no ordinary husband. As the Prophet (SAW) himself said, "“The best of you is the one who is best to his family, and I am the best of you to my family.”

When we compare ourselves to these individuals, do we really think that we are following their model? What type of character do we have? There are among us many that act religious, have long beards, pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, perform Hajj, and give Sadaqah. But many of us fail to practice the foremost qualities of the Messenger (SAW)  and his Sahabah, those that really made those early Muslims people of substance and eventually the leaders of the world.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Notes- Umar bin Al-Khattab (Part 1)

These are edited notes I took from a CD set that I had of Umar Ibn Khattab. The content is roughly one CD of the set. 95% of the material is directly from the CD set while less than 5% is from external sources. These notes were compiled so that I could give them to attendees of my class. If you have any trouble understanding some of the points, please comment below. InshaAllah, if I have time, I will write more parts.


Why should we study the lives of the Sahabah? Abdullah ibn Masood (R) says:

"Whoever is going to follow a path, follow the path of those who died because the living could fail in their trials. They were the best of this ummah, and the had the most pious hearts and they had the deepest knowledge, they were the least superficial, and these were the people whom Allah chose to be the companions of his prophet and to establish his religion. So, recognize their virtues and follow their footsteps and follow what you can of their character and their religion."


  1. A person could be on the track of the people of Jannah, but before they die, they commit the actions of the people of hellfire and die as kuffar
  2. The sahabah have been given the stamp of approval while others have not
  3. The first generation, the Sahaba were much better than the second generation, the Tabieen
  4. "they were the best of this ummah, and the had the most pious hearts
  5. They had the most Taqwa
  6. Not necessarily the most knowledge but the deepest knowledge
  7. Depth of knowledge because they experienced the revelation, lived the Ahadith, knew the circumstances
  8. When knowledge is deep, it comes with action and changes your outlook to life
  9. They did not pretend to be sophisticated, to show off, nothing to prove
  10. Their words were short and clear
    Arabs not affected by the culture, Islam was easy to accept because Quran came on an empty plate
  11. Theological fitnah, Bid'ah came from other places in later times, not Makkah or Madinah

Why Umar (R)?

Adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided successors after me. Hold on to it and cling on to it stubbornly
Abdullah ibn Umar said: "During the time of the Prophet (sas), we never equated anyone with Abu Bakr then Umar then Uthman. We left the remainder of the Companions of the Prophet (sas) and never made comparisons between them." Umar ibn Khattab
"There were muhaddathun in the previous nations and if there would be muhaddathun in this Ummah it would be Umar"
What does the word Muhaddith mean?
  • Men who are inspired by Allah
  • Man whose intuition is right
  • One who speaks the truth, the truth naturally flows from his tongue
  • Men who angels speak to him, w/o

For what other reasons was Umar (R) special?

  1. Prophet (SAW) said that if there would be a prophet after me, it would be Umar (R)
  • He is similar to Musa (A) and Nuh (A), both Anbiya of strength

Birth and Physical Characteristics


  • 11 years after year of elephant
  • 29 years old when the Prophet (SAW) proclaimed Prophethood
  • He accepted Islam when he was 29 (other narrations say early 30s)

Physical Description

  • Towering figure, the tallest in any group of men
  • When you saw him among men at a distance it was as if he was riding his mount,on a camel while others were standing on the ground
  • Very well built and muscular
  • He was a wrestler and his limbs were large,
  • Bald-headed
  • Fair skinned relative to other Arabs
  • Redness in his color
  • Tips of mustache were long, twist them when angry
  • One Sahabi described him as: Walks fast, when strikes, he strikes with strength and when he speaks everyone can hear him

Personality and Demeanor

  • Intimidating to both his friends and enemies
  • Abu Musa Al Ashari's face became pale when Umar (R) asked him for something
  • Once walking and there was a pregnant woman behind him, when he turned around she had a miscarriage
  • The enemies of Allah's knees would shake from his name
  • Yet very Humble and his eyes would flow with tears
  • Very compassionate

Family and Upbringing

  • His father was Al-Khattab bin Nufail
  • Umar had a tough upbringing
  • He would be a shepherd for camels, his father was very harsh, and make him exhausted, and beat him when he didn't do work
  • His mother was the cousin of Abu Jahl and her name was Hintimah bint Hisham
  • 7 wives
  • 13 Children
    • Zaid (2), AbdurRahman (3), Hafsa, Ruqayyah, Zainab, Fatima


  • Shepherd
    • One day called the people, came on the mimbar and announced "I used to be shepherd for my aunts and they would give me a handful of dates at the end of the day and I would have a miserable day."
    • When his son asked why he did this, he said, "My nafs was telling me that there is no one better than me, so I had to teach it a lesson."
  • Business man – later on became a merchant and became very wealthy, one of the wealthiest in Makkah
  • Wrestler and unbeatable


  • Umar ibn Khattab is not fooled by anyone, even himself
  • Shaytan can't come to you, unless you allow him to deceive you
  • He once said, "I'm not a deciever and I don't allow anyone to deceive me."

In Jahilliyah


  • Very committed, disciplined with whatever he believers
  • He was never on the sidelines, always was in the front give his 200% in everything
  • Very effective against the Muslims
  • Once he was beating a female Muslim slave, and stopped. He said I stopped because I am tired, not because I am feeling sympathy. The Muslim answered. It is Allah who made you stop.
  • To the Muslims it was unacceptable that he would ever become Muslim
  • Once a woman was making Hijrah to Abyssinia. He saw her and asked: Are you leaving ? She answered: Yes, you have persecuted us, …. And so that we can practice our religion in freedom. He answered: May Allah be with you.
  • When she told Nu'aym ibn Abdullah this, he said Do you think he will become Muslim. She said yes. He answered The donkey of his father will become Muslim before he does.

How he became Muslim

The Fortune Teller

  • Once AbdurRahman was walking with his father and they saw a handsome man that they never saw before. Umar (R) said that he was a fortune teller for his people. Rarely would the intuition of my father. When he asked the man, the man said I don't know anything of this.
  • Umar (R) told him to tell me the strangest thing that you have heard. Once I heard some strange rhyming words speaking about the coming of the prophet.
  • Umar (R) answered that yes, that's true. Once I was near the Ka'abah and I heard a voice about the coming of a prophet. Immediately afterwards, Muhammad (SAW) declared himself to be a Prophet.
  • "O blood red one, The deed is done. A man will cry Besides God, none." – Unknown source

Surah Haqqah 

  • Umar (R) in the days before Islam was a heavy drinker. He had his drinking partners whom he used to drink with. One night, he went out to drink but all the bars were closed, and there was no one he could drink with
  • So he said to himself, if I can't do this. Why not go and make tawaaf around the Kabah? It was very late at night and when he went to the Ka'bah he saw only Prophet Muhammad (SAW) praying. He said to himself: Why don't I strike fear in the heart of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  • So went to the opposite end of the Kabah, snuck under the cloth of the kabah and slowly made his way around in front of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) He wanted to ambushthe Prophet (SAW) and scare him.
  • Now since he was in front of PM, he was in the hearing range of the Prophet (SAW). He had no plugs on his ears to stop him from listening to the Quran. The Prophet (SAW) was reciting Surah Haaqa.
  • He thought to himself, that these must be the words of a poet
  • The next ayah recited was "These are not the words of a poet, little do you believe"
  • The he thought to himself that these must be the words of a fortuneteller
  • The next ayah recited was "These are not the words of a fortuneteller, little do you believe"
  • At this Umar froze and did not continue with his plan

Surah Taha

  • One day Mushrikeen were discussing the problem of Rasulullah (SAW). Umar (R) decided that he will stop this mess and kill the Prophet (SAW) at the house of Arqam. Most of the Muslims had left to Abyssinia and Muhammad (SAW) was with a few of the Sahabah. Umar buckled his sword and set out to kill the Holy Prophet (peace be on him).
  • In the way, Umar met Nuaim bin Abduilah. He was a friend of Umar. He had converted to Islam, but Umar did not know of that. Noticing the dark frowns on his face, Nuaim asked Umar what he was up to. Umar said that he was going to slay Muhammad (peace be on him), and thus vindicate the gods of Ka'bah. Nu'aym wanted to divert him, change his object. He said, "Beware if you harm Muhammad (peace be on him) you will not be safe from the fury of Banu Hashim. Desist from such a course in your own interest". Umar ejaculated angrily: "It appears you have also become a Muslim." Now, Nu'aym had no hope left in dissuading Umar. Then he said, "Umar, do not bother about me, but take care of your sister and brother-in-law who have been converted to Islam, and who may be reading the Quran at this very moment."
  • That made Umar pause. Instead of going to the Holy Prophet, he went to the house of his sister. His sister was Fatima and her husband was Saeed bin Zaid. Umar loved his sister. He had never thought that his brother-in-law or his sister would have the audacity to accept Islam. This was news to him. He could not believe it, but he thought it advisable to verify the facts.
  • As Umar stepped into the house of his sister, he found that both Fatima and her husband were reading the Quran and Khabbab bin Al-Arrat was teaching them. Seeing Umar, his sister hid the Quran under her thigh. Fatima rose to welcome her brother with a smile. But there was a dark frown on the face of Umar. "What was that humming sound I heard? ", he thundered. "O Umar, what if Islam is better than your religion?", replied Fatima. Umar caught his brother-in-law and threw him on the ground and sat on him. Fatima tried to intervene and he slapped her and she started bleeding. She became angry and said, "You enemy of Allah, you hit me b/c I believe in Allah whether you like it or not, I testify that there is no God but Allah (SWT) and Muhammad is his Messenger (SAW)." Umar felt sorry and asked what they were reading. Fatima said that he could not touch the Quran until he had made Ghusl. Umar washed Ghusl and started readingIt was the Sura Ta Ha. It read:
    • Ta­Ha. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings.]
    • We have not sent down the Quran unto you (O Muhammad SAW) to cause you distress,
    • But only as a Reminder to those who fear (Allah).
    • A revelation from Him (Allah) who has created the earth and high heavens.
    • The Most Beneficent (Allah) Istawa (rose over) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty).
    • To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil.
    • And if you (O Muhammad SAW) speak (the invocation) aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.
    • Allah! La ilahla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
  • Once Umar (R) heard this, he said: Is this what Quraysh was against? Where is Muhammad? Upon hearing this, Khabbab bin Arrat came out of hiding and told Umar I think that Allah has accepted the dua of PM which he said "O Allah, honor Islam with the more beloved of the two men, Amr bin Hisham or Umar bin Khattab"
    • Why these two men? Their strength would turn into strength for Islam
  • With his sword across his back, Umar went to Darul Arqam. When Umar knocked all the Sahabah got scared and didn't open.When Hamza asked who it is, he replied. So what if its Umar? If we came for good, he's welcome. If he came for evil, we will kill him by his own sword
  • Once they opened the door Hamza and another Sahabi grabbed him and took him to the Prophet (SAW).The Prophet (SAW) grabbed Umar by his clothes, "Why did you come here o son of Khattab, aren't you going to stop fighting Islam untll Allah destroys you?" O Messenger of Allah (SWT), I have to come accept it.Prophet (SAW) said, Takbir.
  • All the Sahabah were hiding but when they heard the takbir, they all said it loudly. Their voices for so loud, they had to disperse so as to not disclose their location.